Almost all the men are as happy as This is decided to be it Abraham Lincoln is the second part of the article based on the conference of Father Mariano de titled Blas L.C chooses to live instead of to die, and would want to begin with the following history: A grandma of 90 years, in wheelchair and with weak view, had a granddaughter who depressed itself frequently. This one girl went followed with the grandma because this one sang, laughed, made all the tasks of the house with taste, enjoyed to go to the supermarket, in short, she always lived still contents with so many years above. A day the displeased granddaughter asked to him grandma She tell me your secret? , How it is possible to be happy to the 90 years, in blind means and wheelchair? the grandma responded to him I have read in the Bible this one phrase;I have come so that they have life they have and it in abundance. And it does not say, unless it is 90 years old, it is in wheelchair and she is average blind person. A person who puts enthusiasm in all that it does, like the grandma, without a doubt will be successful and happy in spite of the difficulties, slips, failures, or as you want to him to call. In fact, if you review the history and life of successful people, you will reach the conclusion that the enthusiasm makes prevail, because nothing great was never obtained without enthusiasm. In order to define the enthusiasm in all their essence, I want compartirte he following writing: Blessed enthusiasm! I do not exaggerate the praise to this celestial elixir that transforms, what magical baryta, everything what touches. If it touches my spirit, rejuvenece cures and; if it touches my work it transforms, it into victory; if it touches my language, it contagion to the others; and if it touches my thoughts, these become alive and triumphant.
Monthly Archives: August 2013
Moreninha JMM
Dr. Macedo, that, as we assume, never dedicated seriously to the comedy ; it wrote at some moments of recess two or three workmanships that had been represented with much applause. We can say the same of this author that of first Martins Penalty: it felt the influence of its public; if he continued however, Mr. Dr. Macedo has talent sufficiently and very good literary taste, so that it obtained the little little to correct the popular trend, and to present in our theater the true comedy. With franqueza we say that we feel to see in the dramatical workmanships of the Dr. Macedo blemishes of foreign imitation, that takes off them the originalidade matrix; if it did not have imagination and poetry, would be this excusable one; but when it can be beautiful, being Brazilian, it does not have justification; it is will to work fast.
Not finding therefore in our literature a model, I was to more in advance search it in the country in civilization, and whose spirit in such a way is harmonized with the Brazilian society; in the Frana.' ' (P. 470-1) ___. When running of the penalty. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 2004. P. 304-11. In its periodical column of 06.05.1855, it publishes a story on a Magical Lens, inhaled in the Memories of the Devil, of Frdric Souli.
Probable inspiration for the magical Lens of JMM, published in 1869. ___. As and why I am romancista. 2 ed. Campinas: Bridges, 2005. P. 37-8. ALENCASTRO, Luiz Philip of. Private life and order private in the Empire. In: YOU NOVATE, Fernando. the History of the private life in Brazil. So Paulo: Company of the Letters, 2004. v. 2, P. 11-93. Quotation JMM in P. 32 (on the correct speech of the slave in the Moreninha), 85 (on the tooth lack in Violante Owner, of the romance of an old one) and 90-1 (on the victim-executioners).
Mantoan Deficiency
In if treating to education, it is important that the child with syndrome of Down is directed for the common school (public or particular education) as soon as to acquire certain independence. The school will have a basic paper in the formation and socialization of the child with SD. It in such a way propitiates the learning of the reading, writing, of the mathematics, as well as prepares the child for an independent life. Some children can have difficulties to adapt themselves to the school. In this in case that, it is basic that as much the parents as they help them to the professors so that to the few they can go if adaptando. Already in the adult life, the familiar parents and exert a basic paper.
They are the main agents estimuladores of this integration and independence. She is in the direct conviviality with the people with syndrome of Down, who the familiar ones can collaborate, believing always its possibilities and supplying chances so that they win its limitations. (DESSEN 2003 HISSES and). For Blacksmith, cited for Casarin (2003), the term deficiency means lack, fails, imperfection, defect, insufficience. In a competitive society that prioritizes the production, the insufficient one does not have place. Therefore, the initial difficulty of the parents in accepting this child deficient, therefore the same ones are accepting what the society not accepted.
However, the society comes demonstrated advances in the acceptance of the convivncia with people with SD. Already it is possible to observe young children and with SD in common schools, public environments, among others. In accordance with Batista and Mantoan (2005), the mental deficiency has placed in xeque the primordial function of the common school, that is the production of the knowledge, therefore the pupil with deficiency has a proper way to deal with knowing, that it does not correspond to the ideal of the school. Therefore, she is necessary a reinterpretao and reorganization of this project of inclusion, to hinder the exclusion in the inclusion. In the work market also the increase of people with deficiencies, with SD also acting in diverse segments is great. To work is one of the best instruments of that we make use while human beings, stops carrying through in them as people, operatively to reveal our necessities and our obligation to serve excessively. Later it comes the personal satisfaction that the job reports in them, the creativity of the carried through work, the financial return, in allowing to cover our personal necessities and our gostos, reasons these all legitimate ones that they engrandecem the reality human being and what implies in working. The person with SD has the same chances to get its e
The Appropriation
To other provoked by the extreme expansion of the international trade that says respect to the scale of the economic activities it tends to exceed the limits of the load capacity of the world-wide ecosystem. These problems brought for the globalization disclose a relation of particular interests in the current ambient quarrel. For I rebel (2010, p.8): The moral and ideological choices in the debate contemporary on the nature and the environment disclose, in the truth, the concrete interests of rich nations developed and of its ruling classes in the appropriation of the scarce in its domnios, but still abundant natural goods already between the underdeveloped nations. In this exactly direction, the French thinker, Guattari (1990) defends that only it will have a reply to the ecological crisis partner, will be in planetary scale and with the sprouting of an authentic revolution politics, social and cultural, which reorients the objectives of the production of corporeal properties and incorporeal. Thus, means of production sustainable and consumption must be found, therefore, as it affirms Axe (2006), the money that finances the production and the consumption is atrelado to the morality and the legality of this production and this consumption, then, the destination of this money neutral or it is not dismissed of ethical coloration, not being able, therefore, to finance the pollution and the degradation of the nature. The abundance of the goods of consumption continuously produced by the industrial system is considered, frequent a symbol of the successful performance of the modern economies, (PORTILHO, 2005), what it can all bring drastic consequncias for the environment in the planet. This means that the problems related to the environment are ignored by almost all the society, a time that, lack concrete actions, either on the part of the public power or the proper citizens in exploring and using with social responsibility the natural resources that are to the disposal of the humanity. This reality is also present in the city of Aragominas? YOU, where these resources also pass for a process of deterioration and scarcity, thus bringing consequncias of difficult recuparao to the environment.