Monthly Archives: April 2018

Technical Culture

Technical Culture

The contributions were principally newspaper commentaries of work, music and dances, religious practices, food and clothing. Meantime, regarding literature, there tries you demonstrate the extinction of the black man and the ignorance regarding texts written by native authors. In marries of the Indians there ploughs several authors who speak on them, always with the anthropological harnessed science. The native literature is much lives recent than the African. Verbal Because of treating tradition and because of not coexisting effectively in the middle of the white society, the natives still face certain opposition in what it concerns the literary creation. Finally it tries you demonstrate that, in spite of the globalization, the conquest of the cosmos will be the man and of the whole innovation of conduct behavior of the society, one still lives in it system of privileges will be someone and of sorceries will be others. Key Words – native brazilian people, black man, white, interbreeding, literature INTRODUCTION Can be affirmed that, the Brazilian population is formed from three basic ethnic groups: the aboriginal, the European and the black.

The intense miscegenation (mixture) between these peoples it originated the numerous mestizos or mediums brown, whose basic types are the following ones: mulato (white + black); caboclo or mameluco (white + indian) and cafuzo (black + indian). his issue. The Portuguese had been the main whites that had contributed for the mestization, for being the colonizadores and circulated freely for Brazil. These, therefore, brought in its origins, the mixtures of peoples as Roman, Arab and black. Beyond the Portuguese other immigrant peoples if had after firmed in the Country independence: Italians, Spaniard, Germans, Poles, ucranianos and Japanese, that also were deriving of similar mestization. Currently if he cannot affirm that some society in special is a pure group racially. As in Arajo says to them (2005): No racially pure human group does not exist in the present time.