This difficulty is decurrent of the lack of vision of the country on the importance of the library. A study exists that sample that necessary Brazil to construct 25 libraries per day during ten years so that if it has at least one in each school. As Cieglinski (2010) the deficit of libraries in basic education is of 93 a thousand. Of this total, 89,7 a thousand are public schools and 3,9 a thousand, private establishments of education. What we see to happen generally, are laws and decrees of creation of these spaces, but without no structure for its functioning. Recently the government instituted a law that all public school must have a library.
This measure, even so delayed, she is very welcome, but we cannot think that a library goes to play its true role without the minimum structure for this. How to conceive a library without one politics of quantity formation, without computer science equipment and mainly, without the librarian who is the enabled professional to be to the front of its administration and organization, guaranteeing that it functions fully? The legislation establishes that the libraries must be managed by the librarians, but, according to survey, today it has a total of 21,6 a thousand qualified professionals, while the country approximately counts on 200 a thousand schools of basic education, therefore will be very difficult them schools to adjust it this measure until the stated period limit that is 2020. The law by itself does not make nothing and the government, for the visa, does not have no program for implantation and estruturao of these libraries, therefore, one more time will fit to the society if to involve in this project. REFERENCES CIEGLINSKI, Amanda. Absences of libraries in Brazil show to the negligence and the indifference of states and cities with the education. Education Politics: media, economy and culture.
2010. Available in: Access in: 15 ago. 2010. BLACKSMITH, Such. Media and democracy: to educate for the critical reading of the media. Made & Insults. 2009. Available in: Access in: 15 ago. 2010. FRAGOSO, Favour Maria; DUARTE, Rogrio. Book, reading, library a history without end. Magazine ACB: Biblioteconomia in Santa Catarina. v. 8/9, P. 169, 2003/2004. PRETTO, Nelson. They lack ways to divulge production academic of Brazil. Land Magazine, Salvador, 2010. Available in: Access in: 15 ago, 2010.