Category Archives: General

March Sochi

March Sochi

The highest real estate prices in the Central and the Adler district of Sochi and . Then working principle, the closer to Olympic venues, the more expensive. The exception to this principle is the Central District of Sochi. Center – he and center in Africa. Housing costs also depends on the proximity to the coast. The cheapest real estate in the Lazarev and Khostinsky areas, especially in the foothill area.

INFRASTRUCTURE The infrastructure of Sochi leaves much to be desired. Originally designed Sochi as a resort town. This and follow all the existing problems – this road congestion, shortages of water and electricity. Sochi-scale traffic jams are almost caught up with Moscow. In summer the city is almost worth it.

With the end of the holiday season traffic jams, while not disappearing, but the city is a little looser. The best vehicle for Sochi – a bicycle. In anticipation of Competition began a large-scale structure of roads and junctions designed to fundamentally change the status quo. On heating there is practically no problems. Its only drawback – the later inclusion in the fall (November 15) and early shutdown in the spring (mid March), so in this period room heater is an indispensable thing. EDUCATION AND SCIENCE IN SOCHI begin with educational institutions, which are among the first to contribute to the formation of human personality – it's kindergarten. Status nursery other than a catastrophic not name. In order to arrange their child in kindergarten, has spread to 20 thousand rubles.

Synology Released DiskStation

Synology Released DiskStation

Scalability and efficiency for small and medium-sized companies in Dusseldorf, Germany, 14 may 2013 Synology today launched DiskStation DS1513 +. This 5-Bay model builds on a long tradition of reliable NAS server and at the same time represents a new dimension in a scalable, high-performance storage for small and medium-sized enterprises. Highlights: 350 + MB/sec (read) & 200 + MB/sec up to 4 GB of write () RAM for optimal multi-tasking operation scales to up to 60 TB with 2 x expansion unit DX513 4 fully configurable LAN ports for additional flexibility automatic failover Synology high availability (SHA) numerous business functions thanks to DiskStation Manager (DSM) 4.2 “DS1513 + can be expanded capacity not only 2 x with DX513 up to 15 bays and 60TB, but she is also equipped with a fully-configurable 4-port LAN-adapter. The DS1513 + is designed to allow our users to a perfect balance between bandwidth, security and cost efficiency. Now it is possible to reduce downtime and at the same time to offer an increased bandwidth capacity,”explains Wayne product manager of Synology to.

The DS1513 + has memory that is expandable to 4 GB on a dual-core CPU 2,13GHz and 2 GB. The hardware was optimized tuned to operate with the award-winning operating system, DiskStation Manager (DSM) 4.2, the NAS average data transfer rates of up to 350,94 MB / sec (read) and 202,34 MB / s (writing) with link aggregation brings. The DS1513 + brings many more improvements, like brand new Screwless disk holder or vibration absorber for reducing vibration and volume in addition. As a true all-in one solution offers the DiskStation DS1513 + a wide range of applications that benefit from this accumulated power: VPN, syslog – and mail services, DNS, DHCP, print – and Web-server u.v.m. thanks to powerful LUN management system and advanced iSCSI settings provide the extensive Virtualisierungszertifizierungen (VMware vSphere 5 with VAAI support, Citrix XenServer and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V) for it to meet all needs of a virtual architecture. In addition to efficient multitasking ability, a simple system management, as well as a variety of features the DS1513 + was also developed for optimal data security. Redundant system fans, multiple network ports with failover support, passive CPU cooling and the hard drive swappable design to maximize the uptime of the system. DSM 4.2 also enables Synology high availability (SHA): as soon as a NAS fails, a second NAS automatically assumes the entire operation.

Thus, small and medium-sized companies benefit from a high-availability solution to ensure continuous business operation. The DS1513 + running 4.2 with DiskStation Manager (DSM) and offers extensive features that increase the productivity of the users and their tasks simplify everything on a slim- multitasking user interface. The DS1512 +, the predecessor of DS1513 +, has received numerous awards and has been awarded by as most popular NAS for professional use. For more product information on our website. Availability of the Synology DiskStation DS1513 + is now available worldwide. Synology at a glance Synology devoted to providing professional IP-based video surveillance solutions, which advanced NVR (network video recorder) functionality- and combines NAS (network attached storage) devices. The Synology aims to offer scalable, future-proof and user friendly NVR solutions as well as a solid customer service to meet the needs of both companies and private users and partners.

The German Lighting Design Awards 2013

The German Lighting Design Awards 2013

Quality of the projects required high power of judgment of the German lighting design awards 2013 is jury in the last round. On 16 may, the winners will be announced at a Gala in Frankfurt. The scene is extremely curious, because the fu? nfko? pfige jury stated now, that the decision in this year due to the quality once again increased in width? t fell particularly hard. The difference between the projects was marginal in many decisions. Therefore, even four instead of three lighting concepts were nominated in three of the 13 categories. In addition, fu were? r the upcoming award ceremony received 20 percent more project submissions as in the previous year.

The jury was well employed? employs, because each project from Germany, O? ster-rich, Switzerland and Benelux, which after the first review in November by photos, videos, drawings and remarks? annual descriptions in the pre-selection fallen was, was taken after on-site inspection. In the category of cultural buildings have it this year three Gottesha? managed user at the top. You are still in the category shop lighting Sevens shopping mall in you? sseldorf (devised engineers), the FC Bayern Erlebniswelt in MU? nchen (Ulrike Brandi light) and the A10 nominated Center in Wildau (light vision design & engineering). Education training the BU are? cherhallen, Hamburg (Peter Andres lighting design) the O.A.S.E. library of medicine in you? sseldorf (ag light) and the event Centre Volksbank Hamm (Luna light) in the final competition. “Special attention attention the jury award is given to daylight between the STA? del Museum in Frankfurt am Main (Licht Kunst Licht), the Philip F. Reemtsma Foundation in Hamburg (Licht01 lighting design) and the Church on the sea Sankt Marien” in Schillig (King architects / lighting design A. Hartung) is decided.

All other nominations can be found on the website. With gro? Cavalier tension is the decision of fu? r is the lighting designer of the year. 2010 in life launched and 2011 for the first time awarded, has become the German lighting design award as a business? based and established film event of the year. You want the German lighting design award Organizer of professional lighting design as a major engine of fu? r quality? t of the built environment o? public appreciation? lend support. In the Europe? European space the profession of lighting designer, established in the United States and the United Kingdom for a long time is only since a few years extensive recognition. Independent? of the Gro? sse of construction, architects in their lighting concepts today increasingly rely on the Unterstu? evaluation of lighting designers, who bring their technical and creative perception of psychological knowledge in the lighting task. Also in the ku? artistic implementation of concepts light WINS as a medium one always big? bigger importance. Petra Lasar

Iberian Airport

Iberian Airport

Madrid-Barajas airport is the main international airport which operates in Madrid, Spain. Only in 2010, more than 49.8 million passengers used the airport, making it the largest and most used in Spain. In 2009 it ranked ninth among airports with highest traffic worldwide and the fourth in Europe. It was opened in 1928 and has grown to become one of the most important European aviation centres. It is located within the boundaries of the city of Madrid, just 9 miles from the financial district and 13 kilometers northeast of the Puerta del Sol, an important historical centre of Madrid. Its name derives from the adjacent district of deck, which has its own metro station on the same rail line which uses the airport.

Owing to its importance, location and its level of traffic, Barajas has become one of the neuralgic points for travelers who visit Spain or Europe, which has invested large amount of money in its modernization. Today, it has with the most modern installations and facilities, including its own subway. For this reason, there are even services of parking decks that transport passengers from and to the airport for your convenience. The price parking decks, which tends to vary according to the type of parking and its proximity to the airport, can be between 40 and 120 euros for seven days. Currently, Barajas is a door of entrance to the Iberian peninsula to the rest of Europe and the world, and has become a key link between Europe and Latin America. The airport is a primary operations center for the Spanish airline Iberia. Consequently, Iberia is responsible for more than 60 percent of Barajas traffic. It has 4 terminals, the last of which was inaugurated on February 5 2006.

With this addition, Barajas has the ability to provide services to around 70 million passengers a year. During the construction of Terminal 4, added two additional tracks that were built to improve the flow of traffic arrival and departure from the airport. With This, Barajas has four runways: two whose address is the North-South axis and which are parallel each other and two with Southeast direction. This allows handle takeoffs and landings simultaneously with a capacity of 120 operations an hour, i.e. a landing or take-off every 30 seconds. Given the number of passengers using the airport facilities daily, efforts be spared so that the user has all the facilities at his disposal, among which we can mention the multiple options of parking decks for those who need a place where you leave your car when in travel. In 2008, Barajas was voted the best airport in the Conde Nast Reader Awards. At the end of 2010, the Government of Spain announced plans to tender the management of Madrid-Barajas airport and leave it in the hands of companies in the private sector by a period of up to 40 years.

Gynecology Peruvian

Gynecology Peruvian

Goodnight attending 18th Congress national Gynecology Peruvian colleagues. In the 8th century BC, in the Iliad, Homer surrenders to the healing art of Aesculapius, but elevated to the category of Semi-Dios when he praises his skill to attend births. When asked to Socrates, because considered it the Oracle at Delphi, the most wise men, said it was a gift from the gods to his mother Phaenarete, because she had been a famous midwife and midwife of Athens in the 5th century BC. When Miguel angel, presented his masterpiece the David in society, received overwhelming praise from Kings, Princes and hierarchs only needed to talk, they told him and when it comes to thank so much distinction the brilliant artist, full of modesty responded by saying that the work living Summit of humanity through history is and will be a midwife attending a birth!, they are great artists exclaimed, to the applause of the crowd. Napoleon Bonaparte, walking from one side to another trying to of find answers after losing the battle of the Nations in 1813, then called his colleagues and told them that blame the midwives and birth attendants had it because they brought children into the world in the middle of errors and clumsiness, why soldiers were enclenques that immediately available in hospitals and universities, had specialized in the art of good stand people, and that this art be taught from generation to generationbecause a well born child will be a young strong and guerrero and the fatherland will be large, leaving the future of the country in the hands of the midwives. Colleagues as well and much more, recognized us history, as Semi – gods, as a gift from the gods, as great artists, such as fathers of the fatherland. In this third millennium, we still charging on us, the enormous responsibility of ensuring women’s health, bring healthy babies into the world, we are specialists in the art of good stand and putrescentes circumstances of mob rule that govern the country, forcing us to disguise us Socrates and be midwives do not only from bodies without soul, but children quickened by that undefiled spirit that will make them useful to society and the nation.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatments for bacterial vaginosis, must be administered by a physician after confirming the infection with the vaginal swab test. Such treatments vary depending on the degree of infection of women, whether pregnant or not or if there is some kind of allergy or intolerance to certain components of the drugs. To determine the bacterial vaginosis it resorts to the clinical test of the vaginal swab, which involves taking a sample of vaginal secretions and isolate it in a laboratory in which a series of parameters that determine the existence or not of such infection are measured, because the insulation of the gardenella vaginalis (bacteria that causes the infection) is not itself same a conclusive factorSince this bacterium is controlled in the vaginal flora and only when its pH destabilizes acquires an invasive nature interacting with other pathogens causing infection called bacterial vaginosis. After obtaining positive markers in the previous clinical trial, the doctor in evaluation of the data obtained, delivers the necessary treatment in each case. Generalized infection treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics via oral, vaginal or a combination of both, according to the relevant case. Used in these cases antibiotics are metronidazole, which can vary between 400 to 500 mg twice a day for five to seven days or two grams in a single socket.

Vaginally, the antibiotic used generically is clindamycin and its dosage can vary between applying the cream to 2% or the ingestion of 300 mg every twelve hours for a week. All these forms of treatment may be combined together, depending on the needs of each case, they can be supplied to pregnant women and it must be completed even if the symptoms disappear, because many cases of bacterial vaginosis are asymptomatic and their disappearance do not constitute guarantees of healing. Previous treatments guarantee a percentage of 80%-90% of the bacterial vaginosis cure and it is possible to repeat it where this does not disappear or become a recurrent, in which case, would need to check if there is a resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and intensify the combination treatment several of the available alternatives. How adjuvants to antibiotic treatments, many women decide to use simultaneously the previous creams or vaginal gels, although there is evidence that antibiotics have a greater immune response when administered by oral route. As prevention during treatment with metronidazole, you should limit is thoroughly alcohol consumption, since the mixture of both components can cause nausea and vomiting.

During treatment with clindamycin may decrease the effectiveness of condoms so it would be convenient to use other barrier means during his administration. Both the treatment administered vaginally by mouth, can produce ulcerative colitis on a casual basis. To discover more information visit Bacterial Vaginosis treatment, where you can meet my history and how I almost accidentally cure of the infection.Click here. Don’t forget to add me to Facebook!

Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino

Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino

/ VIDEO: ATLAS are Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino and soldier Niyireth Pineda Marin. Other three military personnel were injured. A week ago, four Spanish soldiers were injured, two of them serious, in a similar attack in that country. Currently there are 1,500 Spanish soldiers. Two Spanish soldiers have been killed and three others were injured to explode an artifact to the passage of the armoured vehicle they were traveling in the Afghan village of Qala-i-Naw, it has informed the Ministry of Dnsa. The deceased is Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino and soldier Niyireth Pineda Marin, natural Gijon and Colombia, respectively, as reported by sources of the Ministry of Dnsa. Niyireth Pineda is the second military woman dead at a mission abroad once the explosion of a mine to step on a Spanish convoy in February 2007 kill the soldier, Idoia Rodriguez Bujan near Shindand, in Herat province.

For its part, the injured have been evacuated by helicopter to the Role 2 hospital in bullet Murghab, are the soldiers Ruben Velazquez Herrera, who suffered various bruises; Johny Alirio Herrera Trejos, who has fractures in leg and another likely on one arm; and Roi Villa Souto, with leg fractures. The five servicemen belong to the regiment of infantry Soria number 9, which is headquartered in Fuerteventura. According to the Ministry, the military travelled on a shielded Spanish Lynx when an improvised explosive device (IED) reached the vehicle, which was conducting a patrol of recognition about 20 kilometers north of Qala-i-Naw. The Dnsa Ministry has already informed the relatives of the deceased and injured in this attack. Dnsa, Carme Chacon, Minister appear at 7 p.m. this evening before the media for more information about the event. Later, Chacon moves to the Asian country. 96 Spaniards killed since 2002 with this attack have been killed in Afghanistan a total of 96 Spaniards (93 military, two civil guards and a translator) from the start the deployment of the troops in that country in 2002.

Munich Olympic Stadium

Munich Olympic Stadium

Therefore, we wish you many runners who start for us and find kilometers sponsors, so collect donations for us. Also, it is a concern, cheerful and serious at the same time to inform about our work. Just athletes and sports enthusiasts know what performance is possible if the inner balance”, underlines Gabi Sabo of the KlinikClowns the importance of the charity action. Birgit Seibt-Krause by the Munich-based organization action sunshine, which devoted 45 years to people with disabilities, sees the cooperation with southern Germany’s largest running event as an excellent opportunity: as a very large and well known event, here in Bavaria, the Munich MARATHON for us a great platform that to alert people to the need for donations. We find great just the combination of sporting event and good purpose. Join action continuously do good”together for a good cause in the Munich MARATHON offers everyone the opportunity actively to support the charitable organization of its choice. This, anyone can easily create your own donation page for the respective charity action, share with friends and acquaintances, and collect money for charity.

On the donations portal charity are the participating organizations listed, and briefly presented. After the personal selection of charity action, which should benefit from the contributions of users in just a few steps can be an active Ambassador of donations. With a personal explanation as to why he or she collects this, is the fundraising online visible and can be distributed with a few clicks in the circle of friends and acquaintances. Interested organisations can continue to sign up for Florian Janisch and participate in the charity action. Also athletes who would like to run for a certain, even unlisted organization, can suggest submit. The fundraising partner Gfettyy will then try to gain the desired organization as a charity partner. Requests can be sent to via email to. All other information about the Munich MARATHON, as well as the link to the online registration for all disciplines, visit.

Via the Munich MARATHON is organized MARATHON of Munich since 2000 by the runabout Munich MARATHON GmbH. The traditional event held annually, always a week after the Oktoberfest, and among the top 5 marathon events in Germany. Up to 20,000 runners and runners take part each year. The route leads along the main attractions in the Bavarian capital and ends with finish in the Munich Olympic Stadium. The framework programme include a three-day sports show in the event arena in the Olympic Park with around 45,000 visitors, a Pasta Party and an international costumes run the day before the marathon. Press contact: Team promotional label Munich Godstone March press team and partners Roermonder Strasse 279 D-41068 Monchengladbach Tel: + 49 (0) 2161 / 304 1183 fax: + 49 (0) 2161 / 304-1540 email: URL:

Sandals For Summer

Sandals For Summer

These trip of five fingers KSO shoes give its full range of natural movement on foot, but protect the sole of the foot against stones or extreme surface temperatures. It carries also mention that running in Vibrams is barefoot running. Five fingers speed shoes have both weight and the planes and they that compete with lighter alter current mechanics. Research suggests that there is a binary difference between the performance footwear for summer and barefoot. the finest foot plants of the canvas of the vibram five finger change how we operate.

To take advantage of the economy associated with barefoot running elk, you have to run barefoot. the shoes of the fingers of .cheap five which means bare skin in the asphalt hot summer days, the skin peeled in the ice of winter days, etc. So again, if you consider the whole context of the training as relevant to the operation that competes with, then you are probably better training and compete with in five shoes light fingers that are comfortable for you. The Biki.five finger shoesa is the name with the Vibram five shoes of fingers was named in honour of Abebe Bikila. Bikila is really a well known Olympic runner from Ethiopia who ran barefoot. The goal of hate them currents and more connected with the earth.vibram fivefingers could increase the sense of balance and greater agility. Many professions got better posture and less back pain.

SLA Concepts

SLA Concepts

But it can use to advantage the chance to understand the problem technician and all the concepts, to compare with other solutions, to identify similar problems in another hardware. It also can to explore the events of occurrence such as the time of identification of the problem, the courtesy in the attendance, the SLA, etc. the critical one of the technique and the episode can so be detailed and be deepened how much if it wants, and the more if it explores, more professional knowledge if it acquires. The critical one of episode, sequncia of events, it has one another product: the context. The context of one determined episode is the set of all the circumstances surround that it. It is for example, the fact of the customer to have reason or not, or if it is only arguing; it is to understand that a question exists politics; it is to perceive that the problem is of definition and of execution or not to admit that you are missed and if to locate as such. The experienced professional understands the context better and its course of action is based on this agreement. For example, the detailed communication of the causes one roots infrastructure problem if applies inside of YOU, but common-sense recommends to reduce the volume of information for external communications YOU.

In this in case that, valley the rule: the less information, better. Therefore the internal customer is unaware of the technology and probably any critical one will be destructive and alone it will amplify the problem. What it is adjusted for a context, can not be for another one. To capture these nuances is not easy task and requires much critical analysis and comparison with existing concepts. The experienced professionals understand all better the variants of the same situation they associate and them with the concepts. Problems are associates the management of crises and analysis of cause root.

Falls of performance are associates the plan of capacity, SLA and teams of high performance. Problems of projects are associates the target management, the management of stated period and costs. It is always possible to associate some situation to a concept and to rescue it future knot. The association with the best concept allows a comparison between practical and the action. The experienced professional makes this in one to blink of eyes, being rescued its old episodes and related concepts. We can conclude that an experienced professional of YOU is not necessarily somebody ' ' velho' ' therefore the experience comes much more of the reflection of what of the kilometragem. This seems to possess an interminable supply of knowledge therefore it is always learning with all the situations. It explores the technique in details at the same time that it determines the context of each situation of work. Mentally it associates the situations to the concepts and the shunting lines of these beatings determine its actions. It reads sufficiently but it understands that the reading by itself is not origin of the knowledge but only the reflection on what reads and its practical use make of it a more experienced person.