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Preschool Kids: Creative Development

Preschool Kids: Creative Development

Drawing for the child – is a game. Children with pleasure and interest imps scribble on paper. Give children an opportunity they would izrisovali all around. Once the child realizes that a pencil, pen leave a mark on paper, his life becomes more beautiful and brighter. But life, especially childhood, should be colorful and happy. The vast majority of children with ONR love to draw. Children eagerly respond to the proposal to draw that – anything and be happy to work. For them, painting is an original game.

This activity attracts and pleases them. Drawing – the first and the available means of expression on paper their thoughts and experiences. And in painting, as in any game, there is an opportunity to understand the traits of character, ability, creativity. Any game – it works. A creative person – a person who knows how to think, observe, compare, and fantasize, to dream, to whom discover the beauty of the surrounding world, harmony and perfection of nature. Izodeyatelnost plays an important role in the moral, aesthetic and intellectual development. It is located in close collaboration with the general development of the preschooler. Classes develop memory, attention, accustom the child to analyze, tailor, to dream, persevere, hard work, diligence, and develop small muscles.

From experience noticed that sometimes you can find children which give the impression of this artist. Their drawings represent the whole picture with the original story. At the same time high enough turns and technique – confident and clear lines, varied color palette.