Result Companion

Result Companion

Most usual in this case it is to resort to a companion who carries out east type of tasks and you ask like letting it thus to know in detail which you must do. At the beginning of the task that they gave you in what zone you were? In a unknown zone, certain? And by all means your companion was in a comfortable or well-known zone. At the moment that your companion it showed to you like making this task, for you step to be something uncomfortable to something comfortable. Therefore to be able to grow and to develop us in the day to day we must leave the comfortable zone and be more in the unknown zone to increase our capacity to solve problems. The facility whereupon we pruned to adapt to us to leave the comfortable zone usually she is tie to the facility that we must to change a habit that would give the following development us. Which is the most effective form to manage the changes? The concept of coaching goes united, in my opinion, to the one of transformation. The life of any human being, of anyone of us, is immersed in a process of changes and continuous decision making. Those decisions are adopted within a unique frame for each person: its own interpretation of the reality, on the basis of which it decides his life.

A person imagines who grows up in an atmosphere and there she is incorporating ideas, developing an attitude and a way to think. That inherited baggage, that does not cheer up to change, she faces the problems that are to him raising life and tries to make reality its projects. But the result can be the failure and the frustration. Before a situation thus we can act basically of two ways, blaming to somebody or being sorry to us of our bad luck, or modify that mental baggage of ideas and ties to face the problems successfully and make reality the dreams.

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