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Flange production implies a multistage quality control of products. Quality control of the production of flanges can be divided into several stages: control of chemical composition stali.Kontrol geometric parameters of blanks and finished izdeliy.Kontrol match steel structure. It’s believed that David Green sees a great future in this idea. Under the chemical composition of cast steel flange means control of the chemical composition of the incoming and outgoing material, which involves checking a percentage of the presence of chemical elements in the material used. To control the chemical composition using special devices – stiloskopy. These devices are These comprise the X-ray, optical emission and comparative. And are divided into fixed (laboratory) and portable. In stationary devices, respectively, higher accuracy and wider range of testable chemical elements. Control of geometrical parameters includes the incoming control blanks at flanges and outbound control of finished parts of pipelines.

Typically this function is assigned to the Technical Section Control (OTC). Control structures are used primarily for manufacturing stainless steel flanges and means for a validation (ICC) – a check of intergranular corrosion. For this test sample is boiled in a day acid, then there is a check on the intermolecular level of education around the crystals of metal corrosion. In the absence of corrosion of the test sample is controlled..