Tag Archives: phones-smart



As I was projected last year, smart mobile teams will remain among the most preferred by consumers. It is expected that they triple their sales this 2012 versus the 2011, I am the general manager of domain consultants. This increase of the tablets will be registered at the national level and it is estimated that more than 200,000 of these products, will be placed more than 71 thousand units sold last year. Regarding the category of smartphones, there will be a growth of 300% in Lima (Peru), while nationwide it will double. This development was carried out after an effort of the national competitiveness Council (CNC) in the reduction of the cost of connection to the Internet as well as to the massification of the equipments for the strata medium and low. By contrast, netbooks will continue dropping because it is estimated that 50% less compared to the 2011 will be placed.Is expected that its foretold disappearance in the market in the medium term will not be so radical as the manufacturers will still betting on them, since there is interested in your purchase demand. Their displacement will accelerate as consumers begin to understand the features that brings a tablet, explained the marketing specialist. Pablo.R.Lopez.