Tag Archives: literature

Web Novels New Science Fiction Series

Web Novels New Science Fiction Series

Fantastic literature for free reading on the Internet somewhere in space, far from the Earth a planet was…” With these words, the author Thorsten Reimnitz began his first big science fiction story almost exactly 23 years ago. Today it serves as a basis for a new project: Web science fiction novels. Are Web novels, which explains the name almost novels on the Internet by itself. A whole series of such novels are now part of the project by Thorsten Reimnitz. The prior author from the Lake Constance region has already supported a number of such and so could experience.

However, it is this time a little different. The novels so far sent by eMail in PDF Adobe format, so this is only a part of the project. The stories are first published in the Internet in the form of Web logs”, explains Reimnitz. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Daniel Gilbert. As a result, the episodes are bound to days. You can subscribe to these episodes via eMail. “Past episodes in irregular intervals are combined into a novel and then as a PDF and in print version appear.” The Summaries should help beginners to get into the story.

A novelty of fantastic literature is that the episodes of days-bound. If the 21 June 2433 is about an episode as a date, the episode no longer handled exactly this day”, says Reimnitz. And because a day now begins at midnight and also ends, also the episode ends no later than midnight. This can cause that individual actions will be published successively on several days. But does that mean that there will be a new episode every day? “No,” laughs the author, that would be a little too much. But the pilot story, which makes entry into the plot, will sound out with seven consecutive day episodes. I’m already looking forward; “also, the readers like it.” The plot of the story is set in the year 2433, 425 years into the future. The worlds of the solar system are confronted with an opponent from the outside, plunging them into a major conflict. But the conflict is only the beginning, because there is a secret in the “Solar system, a secret to the immortals who long ago came and went again, and the only the foreigners ‘ calls. Center of the story is the occupation of the central space station of the interplanetary space agency of Astrocohors”, but the action will shift to other ships and worlds. In addition, other authors will write with. Direct read can history now at the address romane.astrocohors.de, where you can subscribe to the episodes directly via eMail. The cover is absolutely free of charge, through advertising on the website and later via various Printromane it is financed. No third-party advertising will be published within the series itself. Who subscribes to email so the episodes is not bothered with advertising. So, the subscription ensures that you missed any episode. The title of the first episode is”the hour of the black bird. Alexander Ledel

Sciences Literature

Sciences Literature

Following the rules established for Blackberry, is easy to understand the difference between literature and not-literature, and is possible to leave with security for the analysis of the literary composition and to look its essential characteristics. A text with the annexed one in this article, would not be considered literature, if it was only based on this Blackberry affirmation, but leading in account that literature possesss, in one of its characteristics, the orality? what it contains in history ‘ ‘ The blond one of the car of glasses pretos’ ‘ , what it determines such text as a literary composition.

2? MYTH Myth can be defined as a narrative that symbolizes the aspects of definitive cultures, where if can include the faith, the beliefs, and everything what it will be related to the customs of determined communities. Generally the belief of determined communities is responsible for the propagation of the myth and the veracity of the same. The orality is the form to repass the occurred facts; the belief of the people in these facts makes with that the myth if propagates. The myth is always true. The veracity of the myth is notarized for the faith (when determined group it believes that a history is true is why this is. The faith is undisputed, being that it deals with something where if believes exactly without it does not have a scientific test of its existence.

Frederido Nietzche

Frederido Nietzche

According to BAJARD (1994), the invention of the writing occurred does not stop duplicating the verbal one, but to complete it. What if it must have in mind is that the written text is very different of the verbal text and demands a previous preparation of the pupil for produziz it. The pupil, at the moment where he goes to write, comes across itself with a moment where it is the being that will go to participate of the action. When he says yourself in written text must yourself be had a concern of as it will be the way that the pupil will go to cover until the accomplishment of its production.> learn to read and to write correctly to follow the model of the cultured norm. according to GNERRE (1978: 46) to never write goes to be the same thing that to say.

GERALDI (1997: 123) citing OSAKABE say: of the point of view of its learning, the written language and the verbal language present difficulties of distinct nature … the writing act as complement of the orality, fulfilling certain attributions that if point out beyond the inherent properties to this . What she happens, in many schools of the country, is the cancellation of all the directions, and the children, according to Frederico Nietzche, start to develop only . The practical ones developed with children in many schools still today generally contribute to develop a pupil who does not question, that he does not doubt of what is rank for they, because this attitude makes with that, when adult easily is manipulated. In a capitalist society, with conscientious educators of its paper, while citizens, must form men with instinct of the eagle, according to German philosopher of the last century Frederido Nietzche. He is only from the work with the reading of critical and reflexiva form, inside or it are of the school, that we will form the world reading precedes the reading of the word therefore the understanding of a text, either it which will be, will be resulted of the perceptions between the text and the context of the reader. .

Moreninha JMM

Moreninha JMM

Dr. Macedo, that, as we assume, never dedicated seriously to the comedy ; it wrote at some moments of recess two or three workmanships that had been represented with much applause. We can say the same of this author that of first Martins Penalty: it felt the influence of its public; if he continued however, Mr. Dr. Macedo has talent sufficiently and very good literary taste, so that it obtained the little little to correct the popular trend, and to present in our theater the true comedy. With franqueza we say that we feel to see in the dramatical workmanships of the Dr. Macedo blemishes of foreign imitation, that takes off them the originalidade matrix; if it did not have imagination and poetry, would be this excusable one; but when it can be beautiful, being Brazilian, it does not have justification; it is will to work fast.

Not finding therefore in our literature a model, I was to more in advance search it in the country in civilization, and whose spirit in such a way is harmonized with the Brazilian society; in the Frana.' ' (P. 470-1) ___. When running of the penalty. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 2004. P. 304-11. In its periodical column of 06.05.1855, it publishes a story on a Magical Lens, inhaled in the Memories of the Devil, of Frdric Souli.

Probable inspiration for the magical Lens of JMM, published in 1869. ___. As and why I am romancista. 2 ed. Campinas: Bridges, 2005. P. 37-8. ALENCASTRO, Luiz Philip of. Private life and order private in the Empire. In: YOU NOVATE, Fernando. the History of the private life in Brazil. So Paulo: Company of the Letters, 2004. v. 2, P. 11-93. Quotation JMM in P. 32 (on the correct speech of the slave in the Moreninha), 85 (on the tooth lack in Violante Owner, of the romance of an old one) and 90-1 (on the victim-executioners).