Original Products

Original Products

When I suffered from acne, tried to make a list of all the money that had been spent on products, therapy and miraculous remedies trying to cure or control the side effects of my acne. I gave up when I got to the 10 thousand dollars. Why? Well, in principle, would not depress me because the money that had been spent and could have saved. And, honestly, she could not remember all the expenses. However, what they could remember came to the enormous amount of 10 thousand dollars. I was surprised! Although some prescription products to treat acne can be costly, most are not.

It is wonderful how can slow and gradually add without that one realises the amount that you spend on them and remember that I had a couple of periods in the middle that believed that my acne had disappeared and, therefore, spent $0 on acne-related products. Only Americans spend $1.4 billion per year on acne treatments and remedies, usually without result or with short-term results (and that is the case of the lucky ones!). I have consulted to more than five different dermatologists and I followed their five different approaches each time. As you surely know, the physicians not specialists are cheap. In addition, while one spends waiting for a place on their agendas or within their waiting rooms may be sufficient to write the parts of a book. Incredible thing about all those visits to dermatologists, however, was something different were their approaches among themselves. After trying all the over-the-counter products I could find, my first dermatologist prescribed me antibiotics to fight what he called the oil on my face-producing bacteria. Of course, also prescribed me remedies against nausea and stomach problems I had as a cause of antibiotics mentioned, but I will leave that story for later.

The second blamed on my diet and forbade me to eat chocolate (Yes, only chocolate). He then prescribed me a cream and told me that the administer before sleeping. While acne disappear, my skin was dry, scaly and red. But the acne persisted. The third dermatologist told me I had acne resistant and, therefore, could only control it. The chances that completely disappeared were almost nil. Click Dropbox for additional related pages. He prescribed me the usual benzoic peroxide creams and wished me good luck. My fourth dermatologist was that prescribed me Accutane, the supposed miracle drug. He told me that the side effects could be severe but that little I cared, when acne disappear forever. The bad news is that it also took away my hair. But, okay, eventually returned to grow and there is always a small price to pay for what you want right? I learned how difficult and expensive that the large amount of available products demonstrate just how difficult that is acne disappear on your face. Few over-the-counter products have long-lasting effects, and however, the cosmetic industry makes millions of dollars each year selling them. Even those who have longer lasting effects, work only for a period of time (and have worst them side effects!). Everything seemed a totally dark picture, but always comes the solution when this search, if you want to know about effective treatments that I served to heal acne, just visit: as me cure acne. Original author and source of the article.

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