Always Beautiful

Always Beautiful

The golden rule for those who want to keep your skin healthy – clean it morning and night regardless of whether her makeup applied or not. For the eyes, always use a special soft and fat-free cleanser. Each morning on the skin must apply a moisturizer. Evening for your skin – this is the perfect time for restoration of its cells and making the necessary nutrients, fat night cream. How to apply cleansers creams or lotions? Initially Warm a small amount of cream in his hand. Then with your fingertips in a circular motion, start to apply tool. Start with the lower lid towards the outer corner of eye. Then dab the face paper towel, wipe soaked in the lotion with a cotton swab and dab the cloth again.

A day or night cream applied properly balanced soft movements with both hands at the same time not forgetting the eyelids and neck! Twice a week to make peeling and mask. With the help of exfoliation (cosmetic with granular inclusions of vegetable origin) are removed from the face of dead skin flakes, and in addition, skin deep .Maska allows the skin to completely relax. It usually causes thick, leaving the eye area, under the nose and upper jaw. Wash off the mask with warm water or remove the lotion. Do not forget that fatigue and stress affect wrinkles and wrinkles on your face. So what is your beauty, you want it or not, depends primarily on your lifestyle. Your diet should be rich in foods containing protein (proteins).

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