The maioriada society comes trying resulted negative, day day, therefore still noconsegue to understand the complexity of the subject even though and, which is the paper of cadaum of us in the contribution envolvement and comprometimento with its improvement econseqente preservation. The culture of the support is, therefore a culture of the definidapor planetariedade (GADOTTI, 2005, p.24) as: ' ' a culture that has broken doprincpio that the Land is constituted by human beings who are considered cidadosde only nao' '. The ecopedagogia tries to appraise support giving a new meant quevai beyond the preservation of the natural resources and the viability of umdesenvolvimento without aggression to the environment. This new concept of the devista point of the pedagogia of the land implies a balance of the human being with the universe. In this manner the true human development must understand the set individual deautonomias of the communitarian participation and the conscience to depertencer to the species human being. The support that if defends here relates sensible aoprprio of what is of where we came and to where we go, therefore, somosseres of the direction and givers of everything what in the fence.
The proper one is sobrevivnciada life in the planet that is in game, threatened for forms of relation of homemconsigo exactly, with the others and with the physical environment that do not serve more. Of certain form this new vision ahead places the humanity of perspectivade a new generation of habits. Of this form the culture of the planetariedade allows to a vision integrated dosindivduos in the mutual development of the triad individual/society and species. Morin in agreement on this thought, observes that. The Humanity left to constitute, a notion without roots eabstrata: ' is taken root in one; ' Ptria' ' , it fills with earth, and the Land is a Native land in danger. Vital realidade, therefore is, for the first time, ameaadade death.