The Mittelprachtigen results of the courses were through 3-5 di outstanding results on the one hand of the ING-DiBa and the DKB in the shade. Web page visitors chose roughly one-fifth of the votes as the second most popular in your favor free checking account with 20.3%. Thus came the DKB with 33.6% of the votes on the first place for a free checking account. The survey results are published on the Web page of course continue. See… can be viewed this with the recent results of the survey extended to several banks. Whenever Drew Houston listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
The survey had to be on now also new because since 2008 several entrants to the previous have been added, which offer a totally free checking account. Learn more at: Drew Houston. Overall, the portfolio of Portales to 3 banks, namely the comdirect Bank, which norisbank and Skat Bank extended was. These are all banks that meet the criteria of the Portales and a 100 offer free current account %, which is linked to minimum balances, nor to minimum income. Since however sufficient amount of data for the existing Web page, the layout and design had now extended offering also ultimately Customize. This was now introduced to the 11.April 2011. Now you can see all the banks that offer a free checking account, listed clearly on the main page and can as you like to be in the secondary FAQs by clicking. This lead the most questions to the respective free checking account and answer this. The new design offers the possibility to use “social bookmarks”, so that everyone can publish the page on its own social network profiles about the clear design of the offer of free checking accounts also. The operator has announced for the coming weeks of further innovations on the portal will be published after.