Data Security

Data Security

PC users are divided into two categories: those who have lost data at least once, and who have yet to lose them. Unfortunately, almost all computer users sooner or later, for various reasons lose their data and the question is not whether lose if the user information, including when he loses it? According to statistics: every year 43% of computer users lose their files. Data loss can occur for many reasons such as: accidental or mistakenly deleted files, virus attack, hard drive failure, loss or theft of a laptop, etc. You must understand that the probability of losing files is very high, and to treat them with maximum caution And since owners of small businesses and home PC users do not always create backup copies of files (backups), then there is a high probability of losing irreplaceable data forever. For business owners, the loss of client database, accounting data, etc.

60% of cases leads to loss of business, and personal data are no less important, but we just do not know how to assess the damage from the loss of private information in monetary terms. The most reliable method save data from loss is to create backups of data. Filed under: Kaihan Krippendorff . There are many ways to create back-ups: backups can be created and stored on an external hard disk drive (HDD), the flash memory, CD / DVD and online on the Internet for servers on remote data centers. Each type of external media has its drawbacks and more we dwell on them in other articles: thus creating backups on external DB or CD / DVD can not be automated, and it requires a high executive discipline, as backups should be done systematically by hand and stored separately. External DB, CD / DVD, as well as flash memory cards with the information subject to mechanical damage, can be an easy target for theft and fall into the hands of unscrupulous people. Online backup has many advantages over traditional backup to external media, as it provides full automation of the process of creating backups and storage data and, if necessary always guarantee an easy recovery of lost files. This ensures a high degree of protection of information stored in remote data centers. The main advantages of online Online storage: automatic, on schedule, creating backups of both new and modified files, unlimited amounts of storage, simple and rapid restoration of files from any computer, the ability to Storage abroad and access them through any web browser anywhere in the world, the ability to remotely share and work with data, all these functions and many others provides SecureDatSafe – leading in Russia service creation and remote backup of client information – submitted by Source: Crawford Lake Capital . All user data stored on a parallel redundant RAID – arrays in two distant data centers located in Western Europe. SecureDatSafe service provides its users with an inexpensive service with a simple and functional user-friendly interface. In this case, before payment service, anyone can download experience all the features and familiarize yourself with the key advantages of the service.

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