Passing the dispute with the natives of So Paulo and the victory ' ' democrtica' ' of Vargas the regional disagreements ' ' esfriam' ' 10 the point of if to project the routes of the nationalism. 2. THE NEW STATE, THE NATIONALISM IN FACT The New State cannot be seen as an instantaneous phenomenon, that came if to consummate of the night for the day in 1937. In contrast of what it was stipulated for certain time in the historiografia, the phenomenon of the New State, has that to be perceived as a conjunctural process that all understands the first period of ' ' era' ' Vargas. The New State still has its embryos in 1930 with the process ' ' revolucionrio' ' , we perceive that this, was underlying, to the regionalism efervescente in the two first ' ' moments possveis' ' of the first period of ' ' era' ' Vargas, who goes of 1930 passing for the first constitution of Vargas, until the 1934 elections. From 1935, we can consider that the world is passing for changes, and Vargas in what she always seems knew to be intent the changes economic politics and the global level, of form that Vargas can be perceived as a multifaceted governor, who I eat few she knew to deal with the transformations that were occurring in global sphere. These changes had demanded new attitudes in the sphere politics, were necessary to adhere to the new models politicians due to necessity of if finding one ' ' space vital' ' it enters the dying capitalism of the decade of 1930, and the dream of the nationalism to the European totalitarian molds, 11 beyond ' ' danger vermelho' '. The nationalism penetrated with more easiness due to authoritarian standard as Fausto observed, 2010, the authoritarianism in Brazil was ' ' one marks of the culture politics of the country.