Team Development

Team Development

‘ Team as performance motor and company basis’ as effective team development actually really? When is the investment in team development for a company worth? To answer that, the what we actually mean by effectiveness question first. Because immediately following completion of the development of the team the most team development activities achieve a noticeable effect: the cooperation, communication and performance in the team has improved significantly, the supervisors and employees can immediately implement the objectives of team development. But how long stop the success of team development? Make team development activities a productive working environment in the long term? Helps team development, long term to resolve conflicts? What should you pay attention, so that really pays off team development? When it comes to assess the sustainability of team development, sobering results show up frequently. Fast old patterns arise again. The art of successful team development of that really pays for a company that is so not its short-term effect, but its sustainability. What can be done to stop the success of team development? How do team development look that pays off in the long term for a company? For this, a look at the factors which prevent the sustainability of team development is interesting. Executives and entrepreneurs are frequently mentioned causes: too low a priority of team development in the company too little taking into account cultural factors in the target group of the team development to little clarity about why changes through the development of a team are necessary unclear objectives in the team development team as pure knowledge missing role of management / unclear responsibility for implementing the development of team no systematic and strategic team development”That fire syndrome” too little time and financial resources for the development of the team suggests poor communication of information about the team development staff a consideration of these factors that sustainability of the development of the team is not only the result of a particular method or technique, but above all also a characteristic of social system. .

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