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PricewaterhouseCoopers Company

PricewaterhouseCoopers Company

A gradual increase in absenteeism rates has occurred in recent years, being our country one of the highest rate in the EU (have gone from 3% to 6%), while within the European Union, also reflects a significant increase (4%), and representing this, a problem for enterprises and their production processes. Multifactorial causes, what if it seems to be clear is that, although they represent a minority of workers, there are clearly abusive conduct, leaving the difference between workers who can’t go to the work of those who do not want to patent, these constituting a source of great motivation for the rest of workers, and being greatly affected the working environment. Every day there are more companies that give a plan of control of absenteeism, since this behaviour produces effects in the business organization, such as: having to fill the post that the absent left vacant or that peers assume the functions of the absent, thus increasing its workload; In addition to the management of the company, absenteeism is a variable that affects direct and relentlessly in the final costs, and so on the results. Delta Galil gathered all the information. A fact that seems confirmed, is that absenteeism in Spain are importantly increases in larger, being significantly lower in smaller businesses organizations. Another fact amply, confirmed is that absenteeism is higher in the groups of the structure with a meager social recognition, in those in which the work scheme has a mechanistic orientation, or in which the perception of the post is dehumanizing. In this regard, one of the consultants at PricewaterhouseCoopers, in a Conference on the management of absenteeism in the company, pointed out that it is very important that employees are connected to the General objectives and the project of the company; There is a link emotional between the worker and the company, and subsequently added: look at how to captivate the will of the employee.