Tag Archives: environment

The Humanity

The Humanity

The maioriada society comes trying resulted negative, day day, therefore still noconsegue to understand the complexity of the subject even though and, which is the paper of cadaum of us in the contribution envolvement and comprometimento with its improvement econseqente preservation. The culture of the support is, therefore a culture of the definidapor planetariedade (GADOTTI, 2005, p.24) as: ' ' a culture that has broken doprincpio that the Land is constituted by human beings who are considered cidadosde only nao' '. The ecopedagogia tries to appraise support giving a new meant quevai beyond the preservation of the natural resources and the viability of umdesenvolvimento without aggression to the environment. This new concept of the devista point of the pedagogia of the land implies a balance of the human being with the universe. In this manner the true human development must understand the set individual deautonomias of the communitarian participation and the conscience to depertencer to the species human being. The support that if defends here relates sensible aoprprio of what is of where we came and to where we go, therefore, somosseres of the direction and givers of everything what in the fence.

The proper one is sobrevivnciada life in the planet that is in game, threatened for forms of relation of homemconsigo exactly, with the others and with the physical environment that do not serve more. Of certain form this new vision ahead places the humanity of perspectivade a new generation of habits. Of this form the culture of the planetariedade allows to a vision integrated dosindivduos in the mutual development of the triad individual/society and species. Morin in agreement on this thought, observes that. The Humanity left to constitute, a notion without roots eabstrata: &#039 is taken root in one; ' Ptria' ' , it fills with earth, and the Land is a Native land in danger. Vital realidade, therefore is, for the first time, ameaadade death.

Energy Problems And Environment

Energy Problems And Environment

It will be that we will have problems with electric energy again? Some forecasts still indicate the possibilities of deficit of electric energy some years to the front. Some? When it will be, it will really happen? They had come back with the planning in long stated period, the calls ' ' Decenais&#039 plans; ' , important in the sector. Energy has that to always precede the economic growth and normally we need addition of 2% of energy for each 1% of economic growth. In thesis and the blackboards of planning we would be safe up to 2011 with the current projections of entrance of the generating plants in process, but the reality does not seem well to be this. matter. The world-wide and national estimates are of progress still for some time, exactly with the economic cooling and the signalling of the current crises. We can brake the virtuous cycle of the growth in the next years if not look at with care this question.

The energy is the fuel of growth.Well making an analysis macro in the sector, we know of some existing problems in the ambient question. All effort of the agents has not been enough to place in the market the projected energy. Other problems exist, but they are less excellent and despite the water regimen is excellent in the Southeast, the south already of the signals of profits. We made an analysis of the Decennial Plan and crossing of data to know the real projected situation, programmed, and the hunch is not nothing good for Brazil. Optimum model is what it functions, has that to forget the bias ideological politician and in the electric sector, the state is different of government being this the basic premise that would have to be taken in account. Looking at given of the Aneel, we can perceive that dissolutions of marriage of data exist, therefore offers of the energy with compared ambient restriction with the ones of average restriction arrives almost 15%.

The Appropriation

The Appropriation

To other provoked by the extreme expansion of the international trade that says respect to the scale of the economic activities it tends to exceed the limits of the load capacity of the world-wide ecosystem. These problems brought for the globalization disclose a relation of particular interests in the current ambient quarrel. For I rebel (2010, p.8): The moral and ideological choices in the debate contemporary on the nature and the environment disclose, in the truth, the concrete interests of rich nations developed and of its ruling classes in the appropriation of the scarce in its domnios, but still abundant natural goods already between the underdeveloped nations. In this exactly direction, the French thinker, Guattari (1990) defends that only it will have a reply to the ecological crisis partner, will be in planetary scale and with the sprouting of an authentic revolution politics, social and cultural, which reorients the objectives of the production of corporeal properties and incorporeal. Thus, means of production sustainable and consumption must be found, therefore, as it affirms Axe (2006), the money that finances the production and the consumption is atrelado to the morality and the legality of this production and this consumption, then, the destination of this money neutral or it is not dismissed of ethical coloration, not being able, therefore, to finance the pollution and the degradation of the nature. The abundance of the goods of consumption continuously produced by the industrial system is considered, frequent a symbol of the successful performance of the modern economies, (PORTILHO, 2005), what it can all bring drastic consequncias for the environment in the planet. This means that the problems related to the environment are ignored by almost all the society, a time that, lack concrete actions, either on the part of the public power or the proper citizens in exploring and using with social responsibility the natural resources that are to the disposal of the humanity. This reality is also present in the city of Aragominas? YOU, where these resources also pass for a process of deterioration and scarcity, thus bringing consequncias of difficult recuparao to the environment.