Energy Problems And Environment

Energy Problems And Environment

It will be that we will have problems with electric energy again? Some forecasts still indicate the possibilities of deficit of electric energy some years to the front. Some? When it will be, it will really happen? They had come back with the planning in long stated period, the calls ' ' Decenais&#039 plans; ' , important in the sector. Energy has that to always precede the economic growth and normally we need addition of 2% of energy for each 1% of economic growth. In thesis and the blackboards of planning we would be safe up to 2011 with the current projections of entrance of the generating plants in process, but the reality does not seem well to be this. matter. The world-wide and national estimates are of progress still for some time, exactly with the economic cooling and the signalling of the current crises. We can brake the virtuous cycle of the growth in the next years if not look at with care this question.

The energy is the fuel of growth.Well making an analysis macro in the sector, we know of some existing problems in the ambient question. All effort of the agents has not been enough to place in the market the projected energy. Other problems exist, but they are less excellent and despite the water regimen is excellent in the Southeast, the south already of the signals of profits. We made an analysis of the Decennial Plan and crossing of data to know the real projected situation, programmed, and the hunch is not nothing good for Brazil. Optimum model is what it functions, has that to forget the bias ideological politician and in the electric sector, the state is different of government being this the basic premise that would have to be taken in account. Looking at given of the Aneel, we can perceive that dissolutions of marriage of data exist, therefore offers of the energy with compared ambient restriction with the ones of average restriction arrives almost 15%.

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